Sunday, July 22, 2012

2. Memories

I got roller skates one year, I think for my birthday.  They were not the lace up kind, we could not afford something so expensive.  They were the kind that had a key and you wore them with your shoes.  My older sister said she would take me across the street to the school so that I could practice.  I remember riding the undulating sidewalks up and down and the smell of water going through metal pipes on a hot day as they watered the grass.  A steely smell, can't quite describe it, but whenever I smell that again, the memory hits me.  My sister and me skating up and down all over the school.  Those days were so simple and we had so much fun just skating, or playing with dolls, or waking up on Saturday mornings and watching cartoons with my dad.

It's hard to remember everything, I'm sure because I've supressed some of them along with other things I do not wish to remember.  I am thankful though for the memories I do have and I hope that it will bring back memories for my wonderful sister so when she looks back she can smile once again.  There were some wonderful things that happened.  As always though we tend to remember only those that hurt us the most and the wonderful things get shoved to the back of the closet.

Times have changed so much, all the electronics, trying to keep the family together is very hard.  Everyone wants to go their own way and do something different.  There was only watching TV or playing outside, back then, and we all would have way rathered to be playing outside.   Now there is everything, our families go in so many different directions.  I worry, will my children have such wonderful memories when they get older?   I believe it is the simpler things that make such touching memories.  I hope they have those of each other as well.

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